Call or Email For Weekend Training Availability, Subject to 20% Convenience Charge.
(Length: 5 hours)
American Red Cross CPR, AED, and First Aid for Adults and Infants, is an objective-driven, skills-based training program. The students must perform the following skills completely without assistance:
Persons who are occupationally required or just desire to have first aid knowledge and skills, such as emergency response teams in business and industry, school bus drivers, adult residential care personnel, childcare workers, teachers, parents, and babysitters.
There are no prerequisites for this course.
A certification card is issued upon successful completion of this course. The certification period is valid for up to 2 years.
The successful participant will receive a wallet sized, laminated American Red Cross CPR, AED, and First Aid Certification Card valid for a period of two years.
Students will become familiar with general instructions regarding inspection, application, and operation of each specific equipment. Please note that each student must provide their own equipment for the practical training portion that follows the in class portion. We usually run our heavy equipment training class on Friday but it is flexible and can be scheduled upon request.
Students will become familiar with the general instructions for operators regarding inspection, application and operation of AWP equipment, including recognition and avoidance of hazards associated with their use as covered in ANSI/SIA Standards A92.3, A92.5 and A92.6. We usually run our motor elevated work platform training class on Friday but it is flexible and can be scheduled upon request.
We help to ensure your employees meet OSHA’s Respiratory Protection Standard and Fit Testing Procedure standard. FitTests are available to walk-ins Monday through Friday 8am-5pm. For availability or to schedule call us at (701) 842-6266 or email Us at